03- 6188 4400 info@iis.edu.my

Setiabudi (Secondary)


To be the number one Private Secondary School in Malaysia by 2025


Sekolah Menengah Setiabudi is providing a 21st Century Education Approach Based on a dynamic approach and an integrated concept of A.D.A.B. in line with the National Philosophy of Education

Subjects Offered

Lower Forms (Form 1, 2 & 3)

As offered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) with the addition of Al-Quran and Tahfiz.

1. Bahasa Melayu
2. English Language
3. Islamic Studies
4. Mathematics
5. Science
6. History

1. Arabic Language
2. Tahfiz / Hafazan
3. Hikmah (Critical Thinking)

1. Physical & Health Education
2. Geography
3. Technology & Design / Computer Science Basic
4. Visual Art Education

Upper Forms (Form 4 & 5)

Educating A Dynamic Ummah For Tomorrow